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Arirang TV invites foreign journalists to hear stories by former ′comfort women′
ARIRANG NEWS 10:00 Japan expresses regret over 'comfort women' art exhibition in France
Korea and Japan reach historic agreement on wartime sex slavery issue
′Comfort women′ disappointed by Korea-Japan resolution: House of Sharing
Former comfort women to sue Japan in U.S. court ″7월 내 일본 답변 없으면 2천만달러 국제소
Korean students hold on-campus protests for comfort women
Japan files formal objection to UN committee's recommendation of modifying 'comfort women' agreement
South Korea slams Japan for remarks on comfort women
Early Edition 18:00 South Korea's top diplomat takes "comfort women" issue to UN
Victims of Japan's wartime sexual slavery reject Korea-Japan settlement
Korea and Japan to discuss "comfort women" issue
ARIRANG NEWS 20:00 N. Korea agrees to investigate Japanese abductions case